E’spirit de Corps Replaced by Professionaliam…

I came across this picture the other day.  It was taken just before I took off on my “Fini-Flight” on 15 July 1988.


I had to chuckle when I saw it.   The two guys on the left of Chris were both majors, about 6 to 8 years younger than Rick and me.  They both worked at Headquarters Air Training Command (ATC).  What cracks me up here is how “professional” they look vs. Rick and me.  Notice that they totally comply with the guidance put out by the “Command Queers.” (Now I mean no disrespect to gays here…it’s just what we called Command Queers in those days.)  Their sleeves and collars are down, and their G-suits completely zipped.  And they are carrying those cute little purses – what’s with those?  Oh well…

I think, in retrospect, I got out at a good time.  From what I hear, the Command Queers, Beer Nazis and Shoeclerks pretty well run the USAF anymore… EABODs!

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6 Responses to E’spirit de Corps Replaced by Professionaliam…

  1. Jim Null says:


    I had completely forgotten about Rick Lanier. Was he at Vance with us? How is he and what did he do…go from Vance to HQ? Is it at Vance that I knew him?

    Funny story about the ponies and “never met a dead man before” Was that Jim Petek who said that to you…seems I kind of remember that.

    Thanks for writing your memories, it is a great thing and roger on the queers, beer nazis and shoeclerks. I don’t think we would do very well in the PC Air Force of today…..thank goodness.

    Jim “Snoopy” Null

  2. Dave Edwards says:

    As a former (non-British) exchange officer at Randolph around the time of your photograph, I met and still know Bill Hartree. Bill Hartree may have looked professional- but he also was and still is a consummate professional, with the combat record to back it up.

    • Cheeta17 says:

      Thanx for dropping by Dave. I agree totally with you about Bill! I last saw Bill in San Antonio, after Desert Storm 1. Fantastic debrief, and lunch. Are you still in contact with him?
      For “clarity:” As the Vietnam War ran down we began hearing more and more about “professionalism,” at the exclusion of “esprit de corps.” And with “professionalism” came the “careerists” – who drove the ideology of “professionalism” even more. This is just an “observation;” not a “judgement.” I mean absolutely no disrespect with this post here – especially to either Bill or Dobie. Had I not held each one of these guys in high esteem, they wouldn’t have flown with me on my last flight. I think they both knew “how to play the game” better than I did…LOL!

  3. Bill Hartree says:

    Hi Bob , it has been a long time but I still remember the flight and your retirement. Hope you and Sue are both well and enjoying life. Affra and I are visiting some friends in Australia who we met in San Antonoi all those years ago! I still have my Cheeta key fob that you gave me! All the best, Bill

    • Cheeta17 says:

      What a wonderful way to begin my day! It has been a long time Bill, but you have never been far from my heart… So good to hear from you. Sue is doing well. She and I divorced in 1998; a causality of my sobriety. It happens. We have a ‘cordial relationship,’ but that’s about it… I retired to Ohio, my home of origin. I’ll probably be here until my Final Flight West. No where else to go… Had lunch with Rick Lanier last summer. He’s in Denver now. On occasion I will see Dobie. He still lives iN San Antonio. About every 2 years now I will head down there to catch the 560th annual POW Dining In. This year is an “off year.” My “regular” email is: jt314lot@mac.com Would love to hear what you are doing these days… Later! Bob

    • Cheeta17 says:

      Hey Bill,

      Contact me at: jt314lot@mac.com



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