Category Archives: Guest Help

These are stories submitted by other guys I flew with.

And They Have Guns…

This is a shot of the approach end of Rwy 13 at Seguin Aux Airfield, TX. Notice the close proximity of Hwy 90 to the airfield. Now you have the background for this story. One day Joe was flying at … Continue reading

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2 V 1

One of the ‘classics’ – A planned 4-ship with 4 SMS (Special Monitoring Students).  The students were 2 Iranians, 2 US guys.  The Flight Commander had a lot of faith in “L,” the other IP, and me.  I lost my … Continue reading

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(Submitted by Rat) We had a class graduating this one Friday evening. The featured speaker was a general of some description stationed at Maxwell AFB, AL. The squadron had been tasked to launch a T-38 to fetch him. The weather was … Continue reading

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“The Patrick Eight”

(Submitted by Rat) The saga began with 8 IPs from an unnamed UPT base located in NE Mississippi hitting the road for the weekend on a T -38 four ship continuation training cross country. They launched out on a Friday … Continue reading

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(Submitted by Rat) Then there was the time I took a couple weeks leave and Capt.S, our Assistant Flight Commander was left at the helm. AT the time we had a student on Special Monitoring Status we were watching. Our DO … Continue reading

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Tough Love

(Submitted by Rat) One of our squadron “additional duties “was pulling RSU (Runway Supervisory Unit) duties. To this end we. had to provide a crew of 4: 2 IPs and 2 students. The senior IP in charge was the Controller, … Continue reading

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Guest Help

In our flying squadrons (ATC, Air Training Command) we typically had 6 to 8 Flights in each squadron. A Flight, in turn, would consist of a Flight Commander, an Assistant Flight Commander and anywhere from 8 to 10 Instructors. In … Continue reading

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A Lot of Barges on that Lake…

(Submitted by Rat) Spectacular Fall day, flying VR route out to the west of un-named UPT base in NE Mississippi with a good guy – excellent student. He’d trimmed his low-level chart down to within about an inch of the … Continue reading

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Eating Up Runway

Jim was in his office one afternoon when a young IP came in and asked to speak to him.  Mike was relatively new and was somewhat ‘white’ in the face.  Of course, Jim told him to come in and have … Continue reading

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Randy 10 Lead Is ‘Bingo’

In flying, ‘Bingo’ is the term we use that means we have just enough fuel remaining to return to the base, land and have our ‘minimum fuel’ by regulation.  More often than not, in T-38 flying, that value is 600 … Continue reading

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