Monthly Archives: September 2014

Everything After, “but Bush…”

It seems that anything that surfaces to today, the detriment of our current president, or his administration is met with, “…but Bush, ya-da, ya-da, ya-da…”  I don’t care about “but Bush!”  Time and time again that tact has been used … Continue reading

Posted in "Political Correct BS" | 1 Comment

The Bullshit Flag

This is ‘a’ Bullshit Flag.  There are several versions ‘out there,’ but this one will suffice for my blog.  I will ‘throw it’ on future posts when I decide something or another is “bullshit.”  “And what gives me the authority,” you might … Continue reading

Posted in E'spirit de Corps, USAF | Leave a comment

New Age Driving Tips – The No Left Turn Sign

For the most part, you can ignore these guys – everyone else does…   …especially if you are in a hurry, or you know that the placement of these signs is “bullshit.” There is a stretch of highway on my … Continue reading

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Naming Cars

I had to go over to BG (Bowling Green) this morning and was passed by a Honda “Pilot.” It’s a little ‘boxy’ for me, but it got me to thinking… Have you ever seen a car named, “The Ford Lawyer?” … Continue reading

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Vetting Air Force Officers

I can only speak to the ‘vetting’ of Air Force officers from the the period I was on active duty, 1968 – 1988. From the moment I entered active duty I was continually being vetted for command.  That’s they very … Continue reading

Posted in USAF, Warriors | 1 Comment

Have You Thought About…

About 9 or 10 months before I retired from Northwest Airlines I was called to take a flight from Detroit to Ft. Myers, FL.  I was an A-320 Captain at the time, and was sitting ‘Alert;’ essentially “on call.”  I … Continue reading

Posted in A Nation Gone Nuts, At the Airlines | Leave a comment

New Age Driving Tips – Traffic Lights

For ‘millennials:’  More impediments to your driving, I know… from observation. The traffic light system used to work pretty well, when folks knew that “Yellow,” or “Amber” used to mean that the light was about o turn Red, and that … Continue reading

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Respecting the Presidency

I have been guilty here of late, of referring to the President of the United States as “Dear Leader.”  It was intended as an expression of total disrespect – a ‘takeoff’ on the Dear Leader of North Korea.  Not necessarily … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Patriotism, Philosophy, Politics | 1 Comment

“New Age” Driving Tips – Stop Signs

Yep, these guys: A relatively simple and straight forward traffic sign, you would think… Well, they used to be.  Today they are viewed (for the most part) as more of a nuisance or inconvenience more than anything.  Here in our … Continue reading

Posted in Just Things I Notice | 1 Comment

Bob, at 68…

I was out working on Evan’s canoe this morning and began reflecting on ‘Bob.’  It seems like I spend a fair amount of time on ‘introspection’ these days… If anything I would describe ‘Bob’ as ‘one big kid’ today.  A … Continue reading

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