“They” tell us we can’t ‘domesticate’ pheasants, and I suppose we can’t…
I currently have 25 pheasants I am raising to release. I hunted these beautiful birds for so many years, and still would hunt, if I didn’t have to pay for it. (Another topic for another day). In 6 weeks or so I’ll release these guys to the wild, and hold back 5 or 6 to breed next spring. They will lay eggs in captivity; they just usually won’t sit on ’em – and I’m just too damn busy around here to sit on ’em myself.
For the last week or so I have been sitting in their pen with a handful of feed, just before I feed them. I spend a little time in there every day and they don’t seem to be to bothered by me. A couple-3 days ago a couple of them came up and took feed from my hand. That is so cool!