I think I have always had ‘farming’ in my blood, although I have never farmed, per se. My ancestors were farmers here in Whitehouse. I do enjoy gardening, and landscaping – anything associated with Mother Earth!
When we lived in Puerto Rico a childhood friend of Dear Ole Dad’s came to visit. Lester. I asked Lester to bring a handful of wheat when he came; and he did! Dad (grudgingly) allowed me to dig up a very, very small portion of the yard ( maybe a 1-foot x 2-foot section) to plant my wheat. I think I may have wanted to raise the wheat, then make it into flour, and ultimately, bread. Ohhhh, the naivety and innocence of a kid! Anyway, Dear Ole Dad grew impatient with God, and one day mowed my wheat field. The asshole! And so ended my career in farming, and subsequently baking…
If that mower hadn’t started that day, who knows?