Harry has ‘been gone’ just at a month now, and I miss him… this is a letter I wrote to him on 8 April; about a month before he passed. I had been over to his house, and we talked of many things – as we had often done.
“I can only imagine all of what you are gong through these days – but I do know of the ‘depression.’ All too well. The feelings of hopelessness and the ‘isolation.’ Too proud to ‘reach out’ in my anguish; angry and fearful. But I have learned – yes, more often than not, the ‘Hard Way’ – that it is easier to share my troubles and concerns with someone else. I have ‘used you’ many time – and you have always been here for me!
I need to tell you this morning that ‘I Love you Harry.’ Just this simple. You have been such a dear Friend and Mentor to me – I could never repay you – except to mentor others in your spirit. And that, I will do.
Who knows when you will ‘depart the fix’ – leave this world. But you will be in my heart forever. When I check on my bees, you’ll be with me. When I’m out in the shop, you’ll be with me. When I choke – ah, sorry, check my chickens, you’ll be right there.
One of these days I am going to build a canoe for myself. It will also have the Missing Man formation in it and I will name it the “BS Harry!” (Bob’s Ship Harry) – and it will be a beaut!
I love you my Friend…
…and so, on Father’s Day today, I am missing my friend…