
Dec. 24, 2013:  The latest “last day” to sign up for obamacare.

obamacare – the concept, planning, program implementation and operation for the first 3 months has been  nightmare!  And this is Dear Leader’s “signature legislation.”  And he can not be found anywhere near it!

While on active duty I was continually given “projects” of varying magnitudes.  Some were short term projects, others ran for a couple years.  In any event, I had to “stay on top” of them to ensure they were “on track,” that the program objectives were being met and that it would come in on time, and on (or under) budget.  I had to become, and stay engaged.

When they “threw the switch” on obamacare, it went down the shitter.  It failed, and it failed miserably!  And Dear Leader was no where near it.  Come to find out, he has held hardly any, if any, meetings or discussions about it – or its implementation since it became law in 2010.

I would venture that he does not know the “square root of ‘foxtrot alpha’ (the square root of ‘fuck all’) about obamacare.  (He is now referring to it as “The Affordable Care Act” since it has fallen on its ass… LOL!)

I think this whole thing – like the man himself – is just a sham.  No authenticity.  And it will fail…


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