One Pilot’s Story…
The Pilot left home about 8:30 a.m. to do some work in his hanger at the airport with his friends. On the way out the door he answered his wife’s “What time will you be home?” question with, “Probably about 1:30, I’ll have lunch at the airport.”
1:30 came went, 3:00 passed, 6:15, still not home. Finally about 7:00 pm he rolls in the driveway, and presents his wife with a pizza, and begins the apologetic story.
“I finished cleaning the plane about 11:30, had lunch, and started home, when alongside the road I saw this attractive girl with a flat tire on her car.
I stopped to help, got the tire changed, and looked around for a place to wash my hands. She offered money, but I refused. So she suggested that I, at least, allow her to buy me a beer.
She said, “There’s a tavern just up the road, and they have a restroom where you can clean up a bit.”
I agreed to stop, we had a beer, then another beer, then a couple more, and I realized that this girl was not only pretty, she was very friendly, and a good companion to spend time with.
Before I knew it, we were in the motel next door having sex. And that is why I am so late getting home.”
His wife looked him right in the eye and said, “Don’t bullshit me . . .”
See what I mean ???
yep… cept my case went for a motorcycle ride *grins*