I was out working on Evan’s canoe this morning and began reflecting on ‘Bob.’ It seems like I spend a fair amount of time on ‘introspection’ these days…
If anything I would describe ‘Bob’ as ‘one big kid’ today. A big kid with a big heart, still struggling with ‘unfounded fears.’ But those fears are subsiding. Ever so slowly, they are subsiding… and I think they call this ‘progress.’
I enjoy laughing. And I enjoy creating laughter in others. If I call to order something or another from a ‘1-800’ number and I leave the ‘sales associate’ laughing, then my heart is warm.
I would describe my humor as witty, dry, sophisticated and clever. I just don’t like to tell jokes – I love ‘inserting’ either myself, or my friends into them, to give them more ‘believability.’ Then I love to watch you as you discover the ‘delight’ in my story! These jokes then, tend to stay with folks longer…
I also love ‘playing with people’s minds.’ Not cruel mind ‘games,’ mind you – but saying things that challenge you. For in challenging you, when you engage, it challenges me – and I have yet so much to learn. So, bring your “A-Game” when you come to play with me! Keep it light-hearted, and keep it fun.
I enjoy building things – working with my hands – “creating something from nothing.” I always have. Whether it be a ‘small business,’ or a piece of furniture or a canoe, I just like building things. In my “before Life,” as an “Adult,” I would build things and see a “flaw” in them. I couldn’t live with those flaws, so I would take what-ever out back and destroy it – because it wasn’t “perfect.” I don’t do that today; today I embrace my flaws, for they have helped me learn. And, in the final analysis, isn’t God the only Perfect One?
I ventured into “Adulthood” for a while (for maybe 35 years or so), and hated it! I felt as if I had to be everything others “expected” of me. The only way I coped was by drinking because I didn’t have the ‘Life Skills” to deal with Life on Life’s terms. And I excelled at drinking! (Joe once told me, “Bob, if you ever were to back to drinking, let me know. You were a fricking riot when you were ‘lit.'” Well, he’s gonna have to wait; I don’t ever want to go ‘back there.’) Anyway, before I digressed – in the process of being an ‘Adult,’ I lost my way. Yes, I loved “what I was” – the ‘go-to-Hell Fighter Pilot;’ while inside I hated “who I was.” Today it’s just the opposite – although I don’t hate what I was; I just don’t think of it as that big of a deal anymore…
In ‘Adulthood” I had some success, and some ‘failures.’ In my ‘professional’ career (flying) all my landings equaled my takeoffs, and that’s good. (Baseball players are considered “great” if they hold a lifetime .333 batting average. Aviators on the other hand, are held to higher standards. (LOL) Anything less than a 1.000 landing average would not be good.)
In my personal life I gave myself some real challenges. But, day-by-day I have met these challenges head on, and will continue to do so. And I am delighted to report, I am making progress!
“Delight” – another word I like these days. When folks drive by my house, it looks like any other house on the street. It’s only when you stop in, and begin to have a look around that you “discover things.” Things that will bring you “delight.” And that is my objective in working around the place – to create an environment of “delight.”
Although I do not attend church, God is very prevalent in my Life. He never gave up on me, when I gave up on myself – and I am so grateful…
This is but a ‘snapshot’ of me this morning, of “where I am today.” Living a Life of gratitude, humility, and delight – sprinkled with playful mischief upon occasion…