I received this message from a friend late last night:
“Thank you for your Service to OUR Country. Proud day for us who stood up to our responsibilities did our duty :))”
Thought about it for a moment last night, before ‘sleep’ caught up with me…
I am humbled here this morning, as I reflect upon the QUALITY of the men and women I served with while on active duty. None finer! Today I am a better person for having the associations with each and every one of you…
The Liberals talk about the high cost of war and how we need to thin the ranks, but there’s an unintended consequence in doing that. The men and women who serve bring their skills, experience and perspective back into the general public when they leave the services. They comprise the vast majority of our citizens who were willing to put their lives on the line for our country. They understand the danger and are willing to risk everything to protect our country and freedom. How different the current political climate would be today if the millions who participated in World War II were still with us and imparting their wisdom.