Colonel Ralph S. Parr

I received an email yesterday from a dear friend.  He in turn related a story about Col. Ralph S. Parr, Fighter Pilot that (absolutely) needs to be told, and preserved.

Col. Parr was a Fighter Pilot.  He recently passed away:

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I didn’t know Col. Parr, but I had seen him on numerous occasions – at the Randolph AFB Officer’s Club.  I think I was always in “aw” of him… Anyway, yesterday Bill sent this anecdote about him, probably best told in Bill’s words:

“The O’ Club at Randolph was named after Ralph a few years ago.  During the rather serious ceremony outside the club, Ralph’s grand-daughter starts to giggle almost uncontrollably.  Her dad gives her “the look,” but she can’t help herself.  Finally he asks “What is so funny?”.  She says “Do you see the sign on the club?”  ( It reads PARR  CLUB )  “Do you know what it says backwards?”  (BUL  CRRAP)  Now the step son is having a hard time keeping it together.  At some later date the sign on the club is changed to read PARR O’ CLUB.”  Ya gotta love it!

And wouldn’t you know it: leave it to PC shoeclerks to “ruin” something Fighter Pilots all over the world would relish – and Col. Parr himself, probably would appreciate…

GBU Colonel Parr:

Missing Man

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