I have been working on an initiative to gain recognition for the sacrifices and service of Military Brats to our nation. Through my US Representative, Mr. Bob Latta, we now have a bill before Congress (although “in committee”) to authorize a Congressional Commemorative Lapel Pin (Button). It is H.R. 1889, House Resolution 1889.
The bill states that, “shall be designed, as approved by the Secretary of Defense, to identify and recognize an eligible child dependent of a member of the armed forces who serves on active duty for a period of more than 30 days.” With all the bipartisan bickering in Congress these days, this is the only stumbling block I see. The cost of the pins is a “pass-through” cost to the parents: “(c) Cost- Presentation of a children of military service members commemorative lapel button is conditioned upon the payment of an amount sufficient to cover the cost of manufacture and distribution of the lapel button.”
So, I have a solution. Let’s use the already accepted flower of Military Brats as the design of the pin: Simple, huh?
I love the idea, I come from a long line Brats, there were myself and 3 siblings, now 4 nieces, and my son is planning on joining next spring. I would love to give these out as gifts to all of them.