There was NO WAY I could ‘take on’ Dear Ole Dad when I was a senior in high school. He was just too big and too mean and too nasty. And by that time I had taken so many poundings throughout the years – you know, those “teachable moments” – I just didn’t just want to take him on. But I was developing a ‘passive-aggressive’ behavior at the time that was to serve me very well in the ensuing years.
One night I was “having a few pops” downtown Wiesbaden. I decided to call Dear Ole Dad for a ride home. He agreed to come get me, then asked for the address. I told him, without reservation, that I was at the corner of Einbahnstraße und Sackgasse! That would be at the corner of ‘One Way’ and “Dead End!” And I KNEW exactly what I was telling him! Sent his ass all over town looking for me that night and I walked home! And it was a most enjoyable walk I might add…