It is the custom here in Northwest Ohio for folks to place signs in their yards to commemorate the graduations of their kids from high school. So every year come June these annual signs will be popping up.
I graduated from high school in Wiesbaden, West Germany in 1964. My parents never placed a sign in our yard when I graduated. Don’t think anyone ever thought of ’em, but I never had one – and I deserved one! Four high schools in four years, in three different countries. It’s a miracle in itself that I even graduated! I certainly deserved a sign! (LOL!)
Maybe 15, 16 years ago I decided to create my own sign. The school colors of the local school are the similar to ours, blue and white. So, this is what I came up with:
It’s funny, how many folks drive by, day in and day out, never paying any attention at all… clueless! And here I am, laughing my ass off!
(By the way, I have a nice prize for the first person who shows up to acknowledge the sign. If only I could remember where I put it?)