23 May 2013: Pulled off the Facebook this morning…
“Riley‘s 8th Grade Crossover.* We have the best family and friends!! Such a support system — with Riley Cross and 5 others…” (*A ‘Crossover’ is a ceremony wherein a kid ‘crosses over’ from Middle School to High School…)
When I mentioned last summer that I wouldn’t mind attending I was told that it wasn’t really wasn’t that big of a deal. Well, okay…
(KaTarra is Riley’s father’s former girlfriend…)
After looking a little further into the FB post I learned that Riley’s father’s folks were also in attendance. Not a ‘big deal?” Well okay, if you say so…
I wonder what the girls were told – why Grampa Bob wasn’t there… probably nothing; Crossovers are real ‘big deals’…
Feeling ‘hung out to dry,’ and I didn’t even know I was wet! Probably best I now head out into the shop… it does look like a nice, supportive family though…